How do YOU choose the right Stocktaker?
- Anyone can count!
- I undertake the stocktakes myself – sure aren’t the staff here anyway
- I’m always here myself
- my accountant doesn’t think I need a stocktake
- Its too expensive to do a stocktake
- I tried outsourcing it before and they were a nightmare
- I hate stocktaking!
Believe it or not, the above points are the most popular reasons for people not undertaking stocktaking with
For us as a business that provides businesses with a 100% accuracy service we do find it surprising.
With stocktaking in general, it is not a sexy or glamorous subject, but think about the consequences of
- not undertaking stocktake correctly
- not undertaking the stocktake at all
If you have a business that either undertakes the stocktake for you, or you undertake the stocktake yourself, we would like to ask you this… What measures are in place to ensure that
- the count is correct?
- your product file/information is being used?
- figures are not being “plucked from my arse”(as a shop owner once told us about his current stocktaking company)?
- are there rechecks being undertaken
- information being presented is not being distorted so as to make it “look” right?
Profitability is measured by accurately having a control on your margins. If your stock is valued incorrectly then you face making incorrect decisions based on inaccurate information.
Still want to count your stock in-house? Try DigiTally!
- Digital Stocktakes
- Eliminate pen, paper, Excel and double entry
- Reduce stocktaking time by 66%