The Top 10 Tips For Undertaking Efficient Stock Control
When speaking with business owners I am constantly asked about “what is the best way to manage my stock?”
We have compiled a top 10 list of the most important things required for efficient stock control
- Have a system – do not have your entire stock control system dependent on one staff member. What if they leave? So does your system Have a good EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) system and know how to use it
- Have one person responsible for overseeing stock control – this person will take ownership of the process and is responsible for tweaking the system
- Have all of your stock, live, on your EPOS – this takes effort
- Have your staff involved in the stock control process – especially when it comes to dealing with purchases, credits, intercompany transfers and non scanning product
- Have a stocktaking schedule – at least four entire stocktakes per year so as to tie in with management accounts
- Have a schedule for cycle counts – smaller monthly stocktakes of certain departments
- Know your shrinkage (unexplained losses through theft, wasteage, breakages etc) – above two points will assist with this
- You cannot manage if you cannot measure. See
- The organisations who spend the time on managing their stock have
- the best margins
- the lowest amount of waste
- Act now! Unknown losses can destroy a business if it is not managed correctly
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Need assistance? can work with you in creating a system that works for your business.
Still want to count your stock in-house? Try DigiTally!
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